Wednesday 10 June 2009


In Maths, we have been doing bar graph, tally charts and frequency charts. This has all been very exciting as we got to go outside to Lisson Grove and we counted how many types of vehicles there were and how many vehicle colors there were. We created a pictograph and a we created a dazzling, presentable Bar Chart! :D

Thursday 5 February 2009

Science lesson


Hello! We are the blog monitors for 5 Magenta.

On Wednesday in the science lesson we learnt how to arrange different parts of a lily. Also to annotate what part of the lily it is and what the function is.

The different parts of a flower is: The male part of a flower is a Stamen.

There are 3 parts of a stamen. The pollen is inside the anther(pollen is bright orange), which fertilizes the egg(ovum).

The filament holds the anther up.

The carpel is the female part of the flower.

This is a example of a carpel. There are 4 parts of a carpel.

The first part of the carpel is the stigma. The pollen sticks to the stigma.

Then the following part is the style. The style holds the stigma up and the pollen travels down the style.The 3rd part is the ovary which is where the ovule fertilizes. The fourth part of the carpel is the sepal, which holds up the petals before it opens.

Hope you enjoyed what we have specially published for you.

This is a scientific website for YOU to enjoy and be a mastermind!

Lol!(laugh out loud).

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Wednesday 4th February 2009

Hi everyone! We are the Blogger Monitors, Wai jing and Euron.

Today is a very special day for Wai jing. It is her BIRTHDAY!!!!She is 10.

Today we had a amazing literacy lesson about poetry. We were very lucky to read a famous poem written by Lewis Carroll. It was called 'The Jabberwocky'. 5 Magenta has found out a secret about the poem. The secret is......
This is a literacy website that you can go on:
Today in maths we loooked at pictograms and SATS questions.
This is an example of a pictogram(in case you didn't know).
Here is a useful websites ALL about maths:

We will provide websites every week about educations or FUN!

So check our blog every 2 or 3 days as a consequence(which means so) you wouldn't miss any fun websites we put. IF YOU CHECK OUT THESE WEBSITES YOU WILL BE A GENIUS!! Ha ha ha...

Blog Monitors

Euron and Wai Jing are our new blog monitors. They are going to be in charge of everything going on the blog. They will choose what information to put on the blog and what information to display. Good Luck!!

Tuesday 3 February 2009

Euron's Recount of his Snow Day

Yesterday, when I woke up and looked outside I saw a world full of snow. I ran to my sister's room to tell her about the heavy snow .

After I had my breakfast and I got dressed me, my dad and sister went outside in the snow to have a snow fight. Me and my sister had made a snowman but my dad had made one as tall as an adult.while it was snowing my dad helped a man because his car had got stuck on the heavy snow.

I went out with Fayed to call Mo.E and Hamudi to have a snow fight. When we were going to my house Ali started to throw snowballs at us, from his house. Me and my friends went to the play-center to have snow fights and we played for more than one hour.

After we had a snow fight we went into my flat to warm up. A few miniutes later me and my friends decided to go to the park, we looked around the park and saw snow every were because no body had went into the park.

When Fayed and Mo.E had gone home for lunch me and Hamudi had a bitt of mony so we went to pizza hut.After eating the pizza I went home and fell asleep on my bed.

Our recounts of the snow day.

Yesterday morning I woke up and I saw a world full of whiteness because it was snowing heavily. After staring out of the window I rushed upstairs to tell my younger brother Abdelrahman. My brother jumped up with joy, he sprinted downstairs and we munched our cornflakes for our breakfast quickly. Then we raced outside, it was freezing, consequently we went back in to get our coats and wrap up warm.

A few minutes later, we decided to go to the park. We made a huge snowman by rolling the snow into a ball and then rolling it around the park until it got bigger and bigger. We decorated our snowman by putting a bright, orange carrot on his face for his nose. We pierced our fingers into the snowman to make eyes and a mouth. Suddenly, I spotted my cousin on the other side of the park hence we played with him.

An hour later, I was feeling very chilly, so we ran to my cousin's house and stood by the radiator so that we could warm up. We didn't want to catch a cold! A while later, we played with his brand, new computer. However, it was getting dark, so me and my little brother went home.

At home, my mum questioned me, where had I been all day? I told her all about my day, then we snuggled up and watched a movie with popcorn. It was fun, but on the otherhand it was past my bedtime so I went to bed.

By Abdullah